Selling Queens and Nucs


Selling, gifting, or trading queens requires an annual inspection of the apiary and certificate signed by the state apiarist. Beekeepers rearing queens should notify the Ohio Department of Agriculture prior to April 1st (O.R.C. 909.08). County Apiary Inspectors.

Nucs, Bees, and Used Beekeeping Equipment

Selling, gifting, or trading nucs, bees, or used beekeeping equipment, including comb (unless sold for human consumption), requires a Transfer Permit/Health Certificate (O.R.C. 909.09). Contact the Ohio Department of Agriculture’s Apiary Program via the link above, or at (614)-728-6373 for more information on getting the Permit and Certificate.

Bringing Bees in From Out of State

Purchasing bees or beekeeping equipment from outside of Ohio require an official Certificate of Inspection from the state of origin to accompany the shipment (O.R.C. 909.10). Bees brought into Ohio or moved out of Ohio also require a Certificate of Inspection. Contact the Ohio Department of Agriculture’s Apiary Program via the link above, or at (614)-728-6373 for more information on getting the Permit and Certificate.