Jason M Jordan Legal Services, LLC
Stow Ohio Attorney Offering Wills, Trusts, Powers of Attorney, Living Wills, Estate Planning, and Probate. Also Representing Retail Investors in Disputes with their Brokers. Providing General, Divorce, and Family Mediation.
“Whether you have questions about if the investment advice you received was appropriate, are trying to figure out how to plan your estate and protect your family, or have a dispute with another person or company the two of you cannot seem to resolve on your own: I can help make sense of your situation and work towards solutions.”
-Jason Jordan, Attorney, Certified General and Divorce Mediator
Jason’s Services
Retail Investor Disputes
You have done everything right. You worked hard, you saved, and you invested. But now you are not sure if the advice you received from your investment professional was right for you. Jason has over fifteen years of experience in the financial services industry. Put Jason’s financial and legal experience to work for you, and get answers!
Estate Planning
A well-organized estate is one of the most thoughtful gifts you can leave your family. Perhaps you are just starting out, have a new family, have a blended family, or have a complicated estate and do not know where to start. From Simple Wills, Powers of Attorney, or Asset Protection, the hardest part is just getting started. Jason can help.
The best resolution to any dispute is one the parties build themselves. Still, coming to an agreement and reaching a settlement can be difficult. Having a third party to mediate can make all the difference, often saving hundreds or thousands in legal fees. Maybe you have a simple dispute with a neighbor, or a difficult divorce pending. Jason can be an impartial third party to help reach a mutually beneficial agreement.