Keeping Bees in Ohio and in Summit County
Apiary Registration
Apiaries require registration in Ohio with the Department of Agriculture. The registration forms must be submitted by June 1st annually, or within ten days of getting bees (O.R.C. 909.02). You can get the registration form here. The fee is $5.00 per apiary (an apiary includes multiple hives in a single location). Late registration requires an additional $10.00 fee per registration (this is a total fee and not per apiary).
Apiary inspectors are county inspectors. Here is a list of county inspectors with contact information as of 2023.
The Ohio Department of Agriculture and county inspectors have the right to inspect apiaries and the locations of comb and equipment (O.R.C. 909.05). Beekeepers may file a no consent for inspection with the Department. The Department will still be able to obtain a warrant to gain access to property to perform an inspection. The Department may also revoke or deny permits or certificates to beekeepers who file a no consent to inspection, and so selling queens, bees, nucs, or used equipment will be prohibited.
Rules and Ordinances by Locality*
AKRON: A permit from the Director Of Health is required to place a beehive in Akron (see above information on registering your apiary). The city of Akron does not have a separate permit for keeping bees (as of 5/13/2020) that I was able to locate. The apiary may not constitute a nuisance, cannot disturb the tranquility of the surrounding neighborhood, and cannot endanger the public health. The apiary must “be placed and maintained in a manner approved by he Director of Health.” The following restrictions may also be required:
The back of the beehive may be no less than six feet from any adjoining residential property or to any public road or public right-of-way.
The side of the beehive may be no less than fifteen feet from any adjoining residential property or to any public road or public right-of-way.
The front of the beehive may be no less than twenty-five feet from any residential property or to any public road or public right-of-way.
The front or entrance of a beehive shall not directly face residences of adjoining property owners.
No person shall place or keep an apiary, or cause or allow an apiary to remain on land not owned or possessed by such person, without first obtaining the written permission to do so of the owner or person lawfully in possession of such land.
Every person owning, possessing, or controlling an apiary shall maintain within ten feet of each apiary a supply of water with a backflow prevention device which shall be equipped with a float valve or similar device which assures an adequate accessible and usable supply of water for the bees.
Akron Code of Ordinances, Title 9 General Provisions, Chapter 92. Animals, Section 92.29. Beekeeping
CUYAHOGA FALLS: Beehives must be kept with removable combs in good condition. The number of beehives allowed on certain property types is as follows:
No beehives are allowed on Small, Attached-Single Family, and Muli-Family Lots
Up to 2 hives are allowed on a Standard Lot to Suburban Lot
Up to 4 hives are allowed on a Low Density Lot
Up to 6 hives are allowed on a Large Lot
Up to 8 hives are allowed on a Rural Lot
Beehive quantities are subject to Major Site Plan Application procedures for Agro Businesses, Farming Operations, or Employment Zone (E-1) Businesses
Hives may not be kept closer than 15ft of any lot line or public right-of-way. The entrance needs to face whichever lot line or public right of way is furthest from the beehive location, or must face the beekeeper’s residence, and may only be kept in the rear yard. If a beehive is within 25ft of any property lines, is less than 10ft below grade, or the sole entrance does not face the beekeeper’s residence, a “flyaway barrier” is required. The “flyaway barrier” must be a solid fence or dense hedge, at least 6ft high, extending at least 2ft on either side of the hive, and located within 5 ft of the hive. It must be placed along the entrance side of the beehive. A fresh water supply must be maintained in a location readily accessible to all the bee colonies on the site throughout the day, and it must be closer the he bees than any other water source not owned by the property owner. Africanized bees are not permitted. All State of Ohio rules and regulations must also be complied with, and the property owners keeping the bees must post a copy of their certificate of registration (from the Ohio Department of Agriculture) on or near their hives.
Part 11 City Code of Ordinances, 3.133(6) (see pages 215-216)
TALLMADGE: I was unable to find specific rules regarding beekeeping or apiaries for this location. You may want to contact the city offices directly.
MUNROE FALLS: I was unable to find specific rules regarding beekeeping or apiaries for this location. You may want to contact the city offices directly.
STOW: I was unable to find specific rules regarding beekeeping or apiaries for this location. You may want to contact the city offices directly.
*The information provided on this page may be outdated. Please contact your local authorities for the most up-to-date information for your location.